Edison Needle-Type (Lateral) Discs

The Edison Company was long-resistant to making records compatible with industry standards and competitor phonographs in the belief it had devised a superior method and product from scratch in its own labs. However, it conceded to the money-losing truth by late 1927 and started development of a laterally-recorded disc like the ones made by everyone else. Experiments were conducted throughout 1928 and many sides were deemed good enough for release but delays and perfectionist tendencies prevented the official launch of the line until July 1929. Meanwhile, Diamond Disc masters were still being cut and issued as well from the same sessions using a split line from the microphone. Yet, that practice ended on August 15, 1929 when the Diamond Disc was relegated to special-order-only status. Afterwards they were to be dubbed from the Laterals, suffering the same second-class fate of the Blue Amberols/Damberols years earlier. Sound quality of the Lateral Discs was decent but the General Electric system used by Edison was still behind Western Electric's (Victor and Columbia) and their shellac was not as good. However, 1929 was too late for the Company. Poor A&R, supply problems, fleeing dealers and the Stock Market Crash led to a halt in Lateral Disc production on November 1st while all Company activity was wound down by year's end.

Encoded Speed: 192 Kbps

Four Little Blackberries A Bunch of Roses
Green Brothers' Novelty Marimba Band Green Brothers' Novelty Marimba Band
Edison 11016-R Edison 11016-L
Matrix# N-522-B-1-8, Take 2 Matrix# N-523-B-3-5, Take 2
October 23, 1928 October 23, 1928
New York, New York New York, New York

I'll Always Be In Love With You There's The One For Me (I Says To Myself, Says I, Says I)
Charles Harrison Walter Scanlan (pseudonym for Walter Van Brunt)
Edison 14007-R Edison 14007-L
Matrix# N-901-B-3-4, Take 2 Matrix# N-907-B-1-4, Take 2
May 16, 1929 (PM session) May 20, 1929 (PM session)
New York, New York New York, New York

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